Sunday, November 15, 2009

Swiss Chard

Gardening IS possible almost year round in OK, if one is willing to learn how to cook with the marvelous abundant greens that like fall and early spring.

Oh boy, I need to learn how to re-arrange these pics! Anyway, You simply saute onions and garlic diced in 3 or 4 tablespoons butter, then add the diced stems, saute a minute, then add the rest of the chard sliced into 1/2" ribbons piling it high as it cooks down rapidly. Saute' just until softened and then sprinkle with some gomasio and tamari OR a bit of himalayan pink sea salt and enjoy.
I'm serving this with baked sweet potato (mashed with butter and maple syrup) and a baked homegrown ham.


  1. This is SOO pretty, inviting and making me salivate!!

  2. Hi Carrie, this is another Cary ;) I am from Michigan and found your blog through Ravelry and the Spinderella's group. I enjoyed reading your blog and about your farm life!
