Thursday, June 13, 2013

He who goes out sowing...

The current bush was stunning this year, and the cherry trees loaded as well.  It's awesome to see the plants and trees I planted five years ago thriving just in time to move along.  The many seeds I've sown are taking good root and baring abundantly.  The bee swarms I caught last year survived the winter, sold two in trade for a beautiful topbar hive to move one of my first topbar hived swarms into.  That hive has survived many a wind,hail, and rain storm much to my surprise as the lid I made kept blowing off!   I've got them moved to the new house, the beegloves I just ordered arrived and I will attempt to move them into their new home perhaps this weekend.    I've tucked in a few heirloom tomatoes, basil, an zuchini plants but working with people has taken a priority over the gardening lately.  

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Garlic harvest this year has been great.   Really great when you know I've spent almost no time tending the garden in two years.   Instead I've been gardening in the souls of men with teaching healing.   Planting seeds of Hope, Joy, Faith have taken priority over the physical garden, but we need a balance of both in order to stay fully grounded.   Liver cleansing is my next internal adventure and the interesting timeing as one of the liver cleanse protocols encouraging a potassium broth made with 50 cloves and eating at least 5 raw garlic cloves daily coinciding with my garlic doing so well and being ready right now is just, well, that would be this scripture in action:  Proverbs 3:6
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Our Cherry trees have done well this year, though they're really too small to easily pit.  I've been trying to figure out what to do with them and don't want to make jelly as we don't need excess sugar.   I came up with juicing them and freezing them in ice cube trays for smoothies!

This ice cube tray is from my first experiment with this idea:   I attempted juicing the cherries with their pits in my green star :(   locked it up.  Had to use my ice cream scoop to pray the juicer parts apart, and was worried I'd broken it, but, happy day, the juicer's fine, but it wasn't gonna work to do all raw juice.   So, I've pulled out the steamer juicer to cook them down, then will freeze in cubes.
This vine is the only cutting that survived from our move 4 years ago and this is the first year it's bearing fruit.   There are roses, garlic, and other herbs and apples planted nearby.

Micah 4: 4 But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What's a Chibi?

See the needle with the curved tip? That is a chibi

Because the tip is blunt and curved, it makes it delightful to weave in the ends on knitted items.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

barrelponics frame complete - almost

OK, we got this all done today, and the drill battery died with only ONE screw left to complete the support for the flush tank.

Monday, May 23, 2011

warping for andean pebble weave

So, I splurged and bought warmi's Andean Pebble Weave book. This woman has inspired me and deserves great credit for the time and energy she spends sharing and teaching!